Ground Yourself- when you feel lost or scattered (A Practice) with Jennifer England

Jennifer offers a practice, inspired by her conversation with Prentis Hemphill. 

How can you return to a place of solidity when everything feels unstable? How can you reconnect with your inner knowing when you’ve outsourced the answers to gurus or experts? 

A helpful practice- with immediate benefit- is to literally ground yourself to the earth, using your feet and breath. 

If you find this practice makes a difference in your life or leadership- we’d love to hear from you! 

Links & resources—

Gratitude for this show’s theme song Inside the House, composed by the talented Yukon musician, multi-instrumentalist and sound artist Jordy Walker. Artwork by the imaginative writer, filmmaker and artist Jon Marro.


Creative Activism with Jon Marro


The Body as Portal: Witnessing and Wise Action with Prentis Hemphill