Healing in a World of Double Binds with Nora Bateson

Are you caught in a double bind? One of those untenable life situations where you feel torn between two seemingly opposing identities or experiences? 

Jennifer talks with filmmaker, writer and educator Nora Bateson for an intimate look at double binds and how expanding our capacity to perceive what's missing, through warm data, can help us heal them. Starting with the legacy of system thinking giants (her father and grandfather),  Nora and Jennifer get personal and explore—

  • Honoring legacy and breaking cultural paradigms

  • Parenting and art making

  • How life's challenges can transform limitation into possibility

  • Healing as a movement towards greater vitality

Tune in for an intimate conversation on what it means to free ourselves from double binds by attuning and "combining" many different ways of knowing. 

Links and Resources:

Gratitude for this show’s theme song Inside the House, composed by the talented Yukon musician, multi-instrumentalist and sound artist Jordy Walker. Artwork by the imaginative writer, filmmaker and artist Jon Marro.


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